OCEAN BORN Flying FL Popper 140 mm 68g BKR Bunker

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    BKR Bunker

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    Ocean Born


    The OCEAN BORN Flying FL Popper is a top-of-the-line fishing lure perfect for a variety of saltwater species. This particular model is 140mm in length and weighs 68g, making it an ideal size and weight for attracting larger, more voracious fish.The lure is designed with a BKR (Bunker) color pattern, featuring a combination of black, brown, and silver hues to mimic the appearance of a wounded baitfish. This realistic color scheme is highly effective in fooling predator fish into striking.Furthermore, the DYW (Dotted Yellow) color combination adds another layer of appeal to the lure by incorporating yellow dots on the baitfish-like body, which increases visibility underwater. This dotted yellow pattern is especially effective when fishing in murky or low-light conditions.The OCEAN BORN Flying FL Popper is constructed with high-quality materials and features a durable yet responsive design. Its aerodynamic shape enables exceptional casting distances, allowing anglers to reach out to fish that are farther away. The popper action creates a loud splashing sound and a commotion on the surface of the water, imitating the movements of a struggling prey and attracting fish from a distance.Equipped with sharp treble hooks, the OCEAN BORN Flying FL Popper ensures a secure hookset and reduces the chances of losing your catch. Its sturdy build and reliable hardware make it a trustworthy lure for avid anglers seeking a dependable option for their fishing arsenal.Whether you're targeting saltwater species such as striped bass, tarpon, tuna, or any other predatory fish, the OCEAN BORN Flying FL Popper in the 140mm 68g BKR Bunker, DYW Dotted Yellow color scheme is a fantastic choice. Its realistic appearance, excellent casting capabilities, and enticing popper action will give you an edge in your pursuit of trophy fish.