KETTLER Ride 100 Exercise Bike

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The KETTLER Ride 100 Exercise Bike is a high-quality indoor cycling bike designed for serious training and competition. With its sleek black finish and sturdy construction, it is not only a functional piece of exercise equipment but also a stylish addition to any home gym or fitness studio.This bike is equipped with a range of features to enhance your cycling experience. It features a 14 kg flywheel, which provides a smooth and realistic pedaling motion, giving you the feeling of riding a traditional bicycle. The adjustable resistance levels allow you to customize your workout intensity, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced users.The KETTLER Ride 100 Exercise Bike also boasts an advanced LCD console that displays essential workout data such as time, speed, distance, calories burned, and heart rate. This allows you to track your progress and stay motivated during your workouts. Additionally, the heart rate monitor is compatible with Polar chest straps, enabling you to monitor your heart rate accurately for more effective training sessions.Comfort is a top priority with the KETTLER Ride 100 Exercise Bike. It features a fully adjustable seat and handlebars, allowing users of all heights to find their optimal riding position and minimize strain during workouts. The bike also features ergonomic pedals with adjustable foot straps, ensuring a secure and comfortable grip.Designed for durability, the KETTLER Ride 100 Exercise Bike is built to withstand the demands of frequent and intense workouts. Its heavy-duty steel frame provides stability and longevity, while the transport wheels make it easy to move and store when not in use.Whether you are training for a cycling event or simply looking to improve your cardiovascular health, the KETTLER Ride 100 Exercise Bike is a reliable and effective exercise bike that will help you achieve your fitness goals. Its sleek design, high-quality construction, and advanced features make it an excellent choice for individuals looking for a top-of-the-line indoor cycling experience.