LIVE TARGET Yellow Perch Jerkbait Floating Minnow 115 mm 39g Florescent / Matte

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Florescent / Matte

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Live Target


The LIVE TARGET Yellow Perch Jerkbait Floating Minnow is a highly realistic and versatile lure crafted specifically to imitate the appearance and behavior of a yellow perch, a preferred prey for many predatory fish species. Measuring 115 mm in length and weighing 39g, this lure is designed to attract larger game fish such as bass, pike, and muskies.Featuring a combination of florescent and matte finishes, the LIVE TARGET Yellow Perch Jerkbait provides excellent visibility underwater while maintaining a subtle and natural appearance. The florescent elements enhance visibility in low-light or murky conditions, ensuring that the lure remains visible and enticing to fish.With its top-notch floating action, this jerkbait minnow lure mimics the movement of a wounded or distressed baitfish, making it irresistible to predatory fish. Its buoyant construction allows for versatile fishing techniques, including casting, trolling, or jerking. The lure's weight distribution ensures easy casting and accurate retrieval, making it suitable for both novice and experienced anglers.The LIVE TARGET Yellow Perch Jerkbait Floating Minnow is equipped with premium quality treble hooks for maximum hook-up ratios and durability. Its highly detailed design, including realistic 3D eyes, scales, and fins, add an extra level of attraction that triggers strikes from even the most cautious fish.Whether you are a casual angler or a tournament pro, this lifelike jerkbait lure is a valuable addition to your tackle box. Its ability to resemble an actual yellow perch with its size, coloration, and swimming motion makes it an effective bait for fooling predatory fish into biting. So, if you're looking to enhance your fishing game and increase your chances of landing that trophy fish, the LIVE TARGET Yellow Perch Jerkbait Floating Minnow should be on your must-have list.