Grove - laser dust sensor / air quality PM2.5 (HM3301) - 5V

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Product Type
Запчасть для микрокомпьютера

Other features

Transducer Type
air quality



Grove Laser PM2.5 Sensor (HM3301) is a new generation of the laser sensor of dust / air quality, which in real time, allows for monitoring of air quality. It is equipped with a sensor that can detect PM 2.5 particles with a diameter of more than 0.3 µm, such as cigarette smoke. The sensor uses an innovative fan blades to actuate the movement of the air that passes through the detection chamber, where taken is the sample. The system is powered with the voltage from 3.3 V to 5 V, it communicates with the interface I2C. It is working with modules Arduino, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone Wio,LinkIt ONE and most of the other microcomputers/controllers. The set has a cable with Grove end.

The product is compatible with Arduino

A manufacturer has prepared a user's guide for Arduino and a library with sample code.

  • High sensitivity to dust particles of size of 0.3  μm or more.
  • Definition of dust in the air in real time.
  • The technology of scattering the laser light ensures that the reading will be accurate, consistent and stable.
  • The quiet operation of the device.
  • Very low energy consumption.
  • Air purifier / air conditioning.
  • The equipment to study air quality.
  • Industrial value analysis of the PM.
  • Detection and analysis of dust and smoke.
  • Detection in real-time of PM2.5, PM10, TSP.
  • Multi-channel particle counter.
  • Equipment for environmental studies.
Pin Description 1. Clock line of the I2C interface 2. Data line of I2C interface 3. Supply voltage: from 3.3 V to 5 V. 4. The ground of the system. SET.

Level Pin/TTL @ 3.3 V. High or flowing for normal operation mode.

Low level for sleep mode.


Signal to restart the modules.

Technical specification Attribute The value

Working voltage

3.3 V / 5 V

Operating temperature


Humidity of work

10%~90% RH (non-condensing)

Particle size

3 channels-- 2.5 µm, 5µm, 10µm


(Standard value PM2,5)

1~500µg/ m3(Effective range)

1000 µg/ m3(Maximum range)


Concentration: 1µg/ m3

Calculation of concentration: 1s/0.1 L

Time of stability

30 seconds after turning on the power



I2C address



Useful links
  • Website of the manufacturer: Grove - Laser PM2.5 Sensor (HM3301).
  • Instruction for connecting to Arduino.
  • The Arduino library on GitHub.
  • Documentation of HM3301.
  • Design:Atmospheric Pollution Visualization